Wednesday, March 16, 2005

You'll have to excuse me if I'm absent

I had been saving $55 in Best Buy Gift certificates for the magical day that Gran turismo 4 was released, and it finally happened. So today I went to pick it up and have already immersed myself in it. If I don't post too much, don't take it personally, I just am unable to put down the controller. It turns out W's family is not the only force weighing in on our relationship. I just found out that my Uncle, the new convert to Christianity has decided that he's unhappy because I'm sinning by staying at W's house while not married. I have officially challenged him to a debate of such matters, not because I think I'm not guilty, but becuase I'm certain it's none of his business and he has absolutely no biblical place to stand in judgement of me. I have asked him to call me so that we may discuss the matter, we shall see if he accepts my invitation.

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