Saturday, March 26, 2005

Turning back the clock

Today rather than pack for my impending cross country move, I spent the day making sure there would be lots more things I'd miss when I leave. I packed up clothes for 2 days and ran down to Sarasota, where I got to spend a few hours at the Sarasota county fair. I did something that would have mortified me in my younger years, I went and hung out with my mom. She of course was willing to take pity on my incredible shrinking budget and pay for my fair adventure, so how could I refuse. (and just so it doesn't sound like I only went because she paid, I had fun anyway, and I knew that I would) It turns out a random stranger had season passes to the fair and just decided if we were willing to play along, she would let us in on her passes. Instant savings=$14.00. Today the weather seemed to jump directly from spring to summer, meaning that it was blazing hot. I had a delicious Gyro (mmmmm fair food. auggghhh) and an elephant ear, and one of those fresh squeezed lemonades. Since I know the exact value of every penny I spend these days I managed to avoid most of the carnies who would goad me into trying to win a prize to prove my manhood. But one guy let me practice throwing a ball into a bucket enough times I could no longer not hand him over $3 of moms money. As you can imagine, I should have just wadded up the $3 and thrown it in the bucket, at least it wouldn't have bounced out with an embarrassing thud. Seeking relief from the heat we even wandered in to see stinky farm animals and the show stopping craft exhibits. Mom, Grandma and I snuck in a last visit (for a while) to the oyster bar, the official restaurant of our family. Don't ask me how many Friday nights we went there for dinner in my uncool days, but I just couldn't resist one more plate of grouper fingers. Of all the nostalgic memories I had to day, funniest one: My best friend in high school made up some little awards at the end of our senior year. Mine you ask? Most likely to end up as the smart ass in the dunk tank who intentionally ticks people off. (back then he was known as bobo the clown) The worst part about that is , I'd actually have a job right now and it would even include lots of travel. Perhaps I've missed my calling.

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