Tuesday, March 15, 2005

News brief from the front line of my local race war

Coming down to the finish line of Wendy refinincing and buying her mother out of the condo, the old lady has decided to dig in her heels and make a stand on the issue of race one final time.
Her latest nuggets of xenophobic wit: "What have I done wrong as a mother to deserve you cavorting around with a black man? Who you date reflects poorly on me." and my personal fave. "Your decisions are splitting up the family". The third one being the most interesting, since its SG's decision not to accept me that is splitting the family. Now on the scale of threatening black people ranging from well lets say Wayne Brady to hmm... Ray Lewis. I'm definitely way down there with Wayne and the Gumble of your choice. Not to mention the fact that SG really liked me when I was just wendy's random boyfriend #231(not actual number) The fact that I had an MBA and was looking for a big job in finance made me awfully attractive. But alas, she has chosen the one thing not to like about me that as far as I'm concerned makes me the most interesting. I could give you lots of reasons not to like me: I'm a little messy, I procrastinate, I spend too much time on the internet. But, we're not here to bash me we're here to say hey! get to know me and then find something you don't like.
So the bottom line is this, SG feels that she should be compensated in cash because she does not approve of me, completely re-writing the deal she and Wendy originally made on the condo.
Seems pretty fair doesn't it?

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