Thursday, March 24, 2005

Experiencing some withdrawl symptoms

I'm a chronic Cokeaholic. That's right, I'm addicted to Cokeahol. No, that's not right, but you could say, (and Wendy often does) that I drink way to much sweet refreshing coca cola. I haven't had a coke since lunchtime sunday, and am really starting to feel sluggish. When I was growing up we never had sodas in the house. I lived on Kool aide as a kid, We made it in a bright yellow plastic jug with water straight from the tap. It was carefully stirred with a wooden spoon and generally served over ice in plastic cups that once held margarine. A roach was once spotted in one of the cups, and no one ever wanted to get stuck with that one. Fortunately those cups got retired when McDonalds gave out those giant dream team cups. (I still hated to drink out of the alien-headed Reggie Miller cup) Well, to bring myself back around to the point of how much I want a sweet cool refreshing Coca Cola. I had no intention of going cold turkey this week, but I was out and just decided that since my waist is expanding at approximately the same rate as my budget is contracting, perhaps I could live without it. If I'm out I'll certainly have one, but no more at home for me, at least not until I'm earning a paycheck. I will also accept coke donations, especially if I start to look a little strung out. To make matters worse Claudia has a post this week about touring the coke museum in atlanta. I hope she posts a lot this week so that I stop reading about all the free samples she got.

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