Thursday, April 07, 2005

Just when you thought things were fabulous

The great job phone call I thought I got yesterday was actually from a week ago. Whomever made the call has apparently decided that I kept her waiting too long and has not yet returned my call. Tomorrow I guess I'll call and say I'm sorry I was out of town, but would love to be considered for anything else you have. I have 2 other jobs that I"ve applied for with them and would prefer they not forget about me. I tried to unpack myself some too. The contents of 4 giant suitcases are now slowly and osmotically spreading themselves throughout the condo. W and I sat around last week deciding that we are getting far too fat, so we started exercising today. We took a nice 2 mile walk around the bay that seemed like we were walking against the blustery bay wind in both directions. The next time we walk I'll be sure to bring the camera the views of planes landing in oakland, and the city are fabulous.

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