Sunday, February 27, 2005

Life imitates art?

Its been a wacky couple of days around here. Sunday we went to visit wendy's aunt peggy in San Rafael. It was the nastiest rainy day you could imagine for a trip over a bridge across the bay. The San Rafael bridge is a double decker like the Bay Bridge, and due to the large amounts of construction looks even more rickety. As we traveled east on the lower deck back to the Oakland side of the bay, the rain was blowing in so hard you'd have no idea there were three lanes of westbound traffic suspended 20 feet above our heads. I finally got in a trip to a trader joes, a very cool concept for grocery shopping. But, as you might guess a novel shopping idea brings out huge crowds. It was not a fun trip.
Sunday evening we had some drinks with wendy's other aunt rosita, who typically acts as a go between for wendy and her mom. A cousin, her boyfriend and her parents fresh from Germany were in town visiting, and quickly picked up how uncomfortable I looked in the presence of someone who admits not liking me just because of what color my skin is. Fortunately for me I presented myself well otherwise, so no one else understood what her beef with me was. She looked like a complete ass.
While getting ready to go to rosita's house I happened to be watching the Oscars when Chris Rock passed off an Extremely funny line about guess who's coming to dinner. The timing was Ironic, but BIG PROPS to my mom for exposing me to this movie and the kinds of things I'd be up against later in life.
We thought for a while we would send me home Tuesday or Wednesday, so I spent the whole day monday sufing the job boards. I found an open house at a ajilon finance branch nearby, and decided I'd drop by. I also applied for an analyst job with an unidentified company through a staffing firm. The job was for a Junior Financial Analyst so I thought I'd give it a shot.
This morning I jumped out of bed got all suited up and ran to Pleasonton to meet with an Ajilon rep, I think it went pretty well. They had me take an Excel Test that I totally rocked on and they were impressed. We'll hope for good things from them. I had just walked in the door when the phone rang, and it was the agency I'd applied to yesterday for the junior FA job. Turns out I'm a good fit for it, I have an interview tomorrow at one, I'm sensing a multi-round interview process 1st with the staffing firm and then with the company itself, so not sure how many more delays I'll experience on my journey home.

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