Monday, February 07, 2005

Neglecting my blogging duties

Krusty "Run for Congress? But I hate the government, they've been on me like hump on granny"

Yes it has been terribly long since I have posted, fortunately for you, the reader, not much has happened in the last two weeks. I still don't have a job. Allegedly that may be a thing of the past tomorrow. I finally got to the guy who doesn't return calls and we're supposed to chat tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. Chicago time. I have heard this story from him before, so i won't be holding my breath just yet. I spent a weekend in Gainesville, a place that is terribly uncomfortable for the Auburn Tiger in me. Other than that, its just been the same old couch jockeying. I'm definitely ready to head off to San Fierro--sorry, San Francisco. I spent way too much time last week playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. It made me lose large blocks of time which eased the pain of not going to work. My only concern is that if I actually end up in the bay area I will forget that I'm not allowed to drive like I'm playing the game. (Don't ask me about my last trip to miami after Vice City)

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