Saturday, February 26, 2005

Well, at least the Sushi is good

I was originally a little turned off on San Leandro because I had encountered really lousy sushi. But on Thursday night I had sushi good enough to cheer me up about yesterdays news. The place is called Sushi Avenue, and is fully decked out to look authentically japanese. The rolls were both creative and huge, so I was suddenly feeling much better about life. To cheer me up even more today Wendy took me to my original favorite San Leandro restaurant Perry's food for the soul (this review is less complimentary than mine, but perhaps improvements have been made in the last year) This is the restaurant that Jennifer Bowden took us to on my first trip here. The greens are delicious and may help me miss mom's cooking just a tiny bit less. (they don't add ham hocks, a big no-no as far as I was concerned.) The final coat of paint went on today, so you can expect to see pictures soon of the completed project. It's safe to say we won't be painting anything for a long time.

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