Thursday, January 20, 2005

Why flying standby and I don't get along

agnes skinner "Seymour come home to mother. I'll make you some hot cocoa and you can sit in your shame closet and think about what you've done."

Somehow when I'm flying standby or when someone is flying standby to see me, it just never ever works out, the weather suddenly turns awful, flights get cancelled, or the airline changes the flight to a smaller plane. Apparently I was just meant to fly full fare. Wendy is trying desperately to get here from SFO, and its not going well thanks to some crappy weather today in Chicago. Saturday is the little lady's birthday, so despite my still jobless and lethargic state I have to show her a good celebration. Still no word on exactly when I start work, all this waiting is enough to give a guy a complex, or at least force a nervous breakdown. The other offer that seemed like a sure thing is kind of crashing and burning a little bit based on a phone interview today. I guess from an objective view my resume does have some pretty big holes in it. All the creative writing on earth still shows that I have run scared from 3 career choices. I guess I have to make this one stick for a while before I end up on the open job market.

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