Thursday, June 02, 2005

My cup runneth over

So thats how this is going to work? The minute I sign up at the Big Retail Outlet (BRO) the phone starts ringing. One of those phone calls has come through and I am officially fielding an offer from the Manufacturer Of Household Products. That means on many days I will be arriving at the MOHP at 7:00 a.m. working until 2 and then scrambling off to the BRO to work from 3:00 to 10:00. The best part part is they are 20 minutes apart on BART, and both within easy walking distance of a station. Dress at the MOHP is business casual so I will require a minor wardrobe change during my free hour, but other than that it sounds like a quick way to make up for not working for 5 months. When I talked to the guy at the temp agency he laughed when I told him the assignment might only last 3 weeks, saying it is never that short and they always need someone to do this job. So the threat of it only lasting 3 weeks may not stand up but either way I pick up a qulity experience. Its my last day home alone before W returns from Vegas. Its a good thing we live at the same place or we might not see each other very much for a while. She intends to come back and pick up some hours and I have (in my best jamaican accent) "Two Jobs Mon". That's right, I'm no longer a Lazy good for nothin'. To make this deal even more interesting I might even try to pick back up the personal training class teaching. I did spend $2oo on study guides for it, I should at least work enough to get that back. And yes you have done the math correctly, that would give me "Tree Jobs mon!"

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