Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is that really necessary?

It seems that I have somehow irreparably damaged the Olympic coverage piped into your home by NBC, and they've chosen to block my youtube video of the bouncing inflatable mascots I had posted below. Have I given away any results? No, and living on the west coast, under NBC's ridiculous tape delay policy, I frequently find results on the internet long before they're available to see on TV. I haven't been able to safely visit or without spoiling my own evening. I intentionally stopped visiting my page, because it always leads off with a Michael Phelps story. So I showed no athletes, no scores, no results and only 1:37 of video that I recorded with my own camera at a game you wouldn't have seen on TV, and NBC has decided you shouldn't see it. It all seems like a bit of an overreaction. Maybe the issue was that the video didn't contain a single moment of synchronized diving or gymnastics, which seem to be getting disproportionate prime time coverage. Or maybe I should have sat down with an athlete in the studio and asked them the really hard hitting questions like how does it feel, winning the gold medal. Perhaps I should have broken it midway with a Notre Dame football commercial, because watching people who deserve all the TV time they earn at the Olympics is nice juxtaposition with a crappy college football team that has done nothing in recent memory to earn a national TV audience, unless you count getting blown out in bowl games good TV. So here's to you NBC, thanks for deciding what I want to see and when I want to see it.
In case you missed it and are patient enough to wait for the uncompressed version, You can probably find it here, with the rest of the pictures from my trip.

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