Saturday, May 12, 2007

My newest internet addiction

I have, on occasion, been known to spend a lot of/too much time on the internet (when I actually have time to burn) It is how this blog got started, and how I get away from the occassional mind numbness that comes from being a spreadsheet jockey for a living. My newest addiction is Flickr. You can upload tons and tons of photos and describe them and share them and look at what other people are taking pictures of. Then people come look at your pictures and make comments and put them in groups. Its just the sort of reinforcement my budding photo-nerdiness needs. If you look over there in the sidebar you'll see a link to my "photostream" with some flash previews. My active photostream is limited to 200 pictures, so I'm having to choose carefully what pictures I like the best and think that other people will actually find interesting. I'm sitting at home today wishing I was in the same place as W, she's wandering around Bangkok again, heading for the weekend market tomorrow. I am soooooo jealous, but with my meager 2 weeks of vacation I have to sit out some trips. At least she was nice enough to go someplace I've already been so I don't have to imagine the pictures I'd be taking. At least I have Calvin to keep me company. We got some exercise yesterday and I snapped off a few at W's request.

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