Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunset Cruise

Sunset Cruise
Originally uploaded by jrherron.
Since Returning from Hong Kong, I've been trying very hard to get back to normal life, including getting normal amounts of sleep and eating normal food again. Last monday I managed to work from 7:30 a.m. to 11:20 p.m. and was pretty much out of it the rest of the week. Our annual performance reviews were this week too, and mine wen't much better this year than last. On Friday My company's Finance Department annual event took place at the Dave and Buster's down in Milpitas. It was a nice reward for surviving the year, and got me out of the office for a whole day. W happened to be in that part of town too for a job fair for her internship, so she came and picked me up and played a few games with me.

City Lights by the Bay
Originally uploaded by jrherron.

On Saturday the company she's doing the internship for threw a party on a commodore events boat. It was a really great evening, and I snapped a few pics for your viewing pleasure. It was a little bumpy So I had to go easy at both te bar and the buffet, but it was really a great night. Back to the grind tomorrow... My boss was on vacation all last week, so this week should be interesting.

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