Thursday, July 07, 2005

A bad week for public transportation

First the threat of a BART strike, and now bombs on trains. Yikes! If you're worried about me, you can at least be assured I am already long out of the train station by rush hour, one of the few advantages to my early early schedule. I hadn't even heard about the goings on in London until I was already at work, so it saved me having to think about it the whole train ride. I was having a really bad morning anyway. I couldn't find my wallet to save my butt this morning. It had a bart ticket and my bus pass in it. At the last second I found a ticket with 1.40 on it, and 3.00 in quarters. That was enough to get me a bus ride, a one way ticket to work and a coke, but i desperately could have used another shot of caffeiene in the afternoon when I was falling asleep at my computer. Fortunately W had the day off, so she could come get me from work. We went straight to Ikea to eat and look at a new bed for the spare bedroom. We found a great day bed that we like, but have to raise a little capital before buying it. Its off to bed for me I'm behind on sleep for the week so i'm falling asleep again at 10:00

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